Tell me, preacher, what should I do?
Look unto Jesus. He will help you.
I hear that, preacher, but what about…
Look unto Jesus. Why should you doubt?
But my problem is real, and I am concerned,
Jesus is real.
Have you not learned?
His word is not just for Sunday’s
His life is not just a spiritual
His cross is not just a sin
His power is not just a religious
His empty tomb is still empty
His work on you is still underway,
Your problem may seem like a mountain too tall,
But look to Him, you’ll see, it’s so small,
He raised you from death and snatched you from hell,
Whatever you’re facing, trust me, “It is well.”
He’s not shaken by anything you fear,
He’s sovereign over all, even when it’s not clear.
Preacher, I’ll turn to Jesus, I’ll listen to you,
Good, because that is all I know to do too.