Terry Trivette

Terry Trivette

Friday, April 4, 2014

At 36

At 36

On this day, 36 years ago, in the fading disco lights of the ‘70’s, I was born. While I am not fond of naval-gazing blog posts, I do wish to record a few things I’m starting to learn.

1. Life is fast. I know the cliché is that “life is short”, but “fast” seems to be the better term for me. I’m struck by how quickly my days are moving, my kids are growing, and my life is passing. The problem is that I seem to be moving slower.

2. Coffee is good. At 36, my affection for coffee is great. I drink it as black as a Baptist deacon’s heart and as strong as pre-haircut Samson.

3. My wife is wonderful. I married a good woman and each year I realize how blessed I am to spend my life with her. (Perhaps I should have mentioned this before coffee)

4. My children need a better dad. Parenting is something we learn on the job. The ones raising the children are still growing themselves. I want to be a better dad than I am.

5. Jesus is glorious. I love Him. He is better than I know, but what I know of Him is better than anything else I know.

6. God is faithful. I am not always faithful. I have often been foolish. He, however, has never failed to be just who He declares Himself to be. Great is His faithfulness, Lord, unto me.

I suppose this list should be longer, but hey, I’m only 36.
